Hemp Socks – Sustainability and Fashion


What about the environment, human health, or the animals that make socks, well those are where sustainable socks come from! They’re good for maintaining healthy feet, dry, and protect against certain diseases. Socks with a greater cause, really. Fashion doesn’t have to be about high fashion designers or mega rich celebrities, fashion can be for everyone.

Fashion is an important part of our culture that affects us all, but not everyone understands how important that is. With people talking out against the latest trend or fashion statement, many people think that fashion is more about image than what’s actually inside of it. Fashion is important, but what is even more important is the fact that fashion has a mission to help people. Creating beautiful clothes and accessories that are not made with child labor or inhumane working conditions is a great idea, but it’s not going to happen without the people behind it making it happen. Designers like Versace have been using sustainable materials like cotton and hemp for years, they not only use these kinds of resources in their designs, but also in their own supply factories.

In the end, fashion, and sustainable fashion in particular, can save the world. It is not only possible because of global warming, but because we as a whole can do something about it. Our politicians won’t make us do anything, we need to take an active role. Stop tolerating sweatshops in China, Taiwan, Vietnam, and anywhere else, and start supporting the companies that are working hard to create beautiful, stylish socks and hemp socks that are not made with slave labor or inhumane working conditions. If you want to support this kind of environmentally conscious fashion, start investing in both hemp socks and beautiful fashion socks for yourself or your kids.
